
Archive for the ‘Essays’ Category

Time is money

ianuarie 5, 2012 Lasă un comentariu

Life is short. We want to make the best of it. Schedule it! You budget the money, so you can budget the time. For example, if you have 100 lei and you want to buy ice-cream and flowers and shoes, and you have spend 90 lei just on ice-cream, will you have enough money left for the shoes? No. if you have 4  hour after work, before you go to bed and you must do the washing, write some letters, and cook supper, and you spend all 4 hours doing just washing, you are going to go to bed hungry.

Time is money. You don’t want to waste your time in vain as you don’t waste money for nothing. Valuing time and planning your activities is very important. Setting goals and specific objectives will help you plan your time better so that you accomplish as much as you can in a short period of time. Prioritizing your tasks will help you focus on the most important issues and ignore some other issues or unimportant details for the moment.

Life is short. Just plan it efficiently.

Categorii:English, Essays

I’m cool with myself and I don’t care what you think

ianuarie 5, 2012 Lasă un comentariu

Nowadays people are more concerned with other’s life, than caring for their own; nowadays gossip is a „respectful activity”. People always try to criticize, to judge you for different reasons. They don’t realize that each person is an individual, a unique personality and this is because every person has his own ideas, dreams, points of view, perception of life, his own road or labyrinth with lots of obstacles, different experiences and knowledge that he achieves and all these have an important role in the creation of our personality. Each person has a distinctive, personal, concrete, imitable way of being, way of thinking and way of feeling. A person is too complex to be like someone else, as there are no identical leaves on a tree there are no identical personalities, even the twins…they look alike but they think different and have their own tastes of food, dress, etc.

That is why I have self-confidence, I know my limits, I have my own philosophy of life, my own religion, my own conception and I’m proud that I’m not like the others that try to look like somebody else – because I respect myself and love myself the way I am.

Categorii:English, Essays

„A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds” (Sir Francis Bacon)

ianuarie 5, 2012 Lasă un comentariu

Wisdom is a way – the way we take to escape from folly – and folly is our ordinary way of life, the way of suffering. Thus wisdom is Our Way Out. We are human beings. Error is our natural course, and Folly is our natural destination. Only by acting supernaturally, may we wing our way to wisdom.

„A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds”. It is a so simple quote but implies such a deep message of success. Opportunities are chances for anything to happen, a chance to make a change in people, or the world. We must view anything and everything as an opportunity. Every day is a new opportunity to discover something new about yourself, people around you and the world you live in. every class is an opportunity to learn something new. Every person you talk to is an opportunity for friendship. Every even you go to is a chance to make a difference and to make something different in your life. As we can see there are a lot of opportunities out there and anything possible can result from it. That is why we must try to go out as often as possible and see as much of the world as possible. Some places or people can change our way of thinking forever and even our life. But sometimes it may happen that we can change a part of someone else forever.

As a conclusion I can say that a normal man has to find opportunities; a lucky man is given opportunities, but a wise man makes his own opportunities.

Categorii:English, Essays

When I grow up I’m going to be…

ianuarie 5, 2012 Lasă un comentariu

Being the last year at high school I must think what I’m going to be after finishing it. This is a very difficult question with an easy answer, but with a very difficult decision. In this essay I will show the importance of choosing a vocation and also I will speak about my choice bringing some arguments on my choice and at the end I will draw a conclusion.

Everyone has asked himself what he/she is going to be when he/she grows up and choosing is not at all a simple matter. In fact is one of the most difficult and most important decisions of someone’s life because upon it depends his/her future and happiness. In order to take such a decision he/she must discover his/her abilities, likes and dislikes for not to get bored and regret later of the choice he/she has made. Everyone must do his/her work of his/her own wish but not because he/she must do it and only then the result will be the wanted and expected one. As a result, everyone will be pleased of what he/she has done. This will bring him/her satisfaction.

Concerning me, I haven’t made a final decision yet but I’m thinking of being a travel agent. I find this job interesting and also it needs some skills that I have: I am responsible, trustworthy, and punctual; I like to work outdoor and I adapt myself readily to new surroundings and situations. I like to travel, to see new places, to meet new people, to make new friends all around the world. Also I like studying and speaking foreign languages. I think there are some more requirements for a travel agent. I don’t know yet all of them because this decision was taken a few days ago but I think I will manage with them.

Drawing a conclusion, I must say that it is not easy at all to decide what I’m going to be after finishing high school, but it is a decision that must be taken one day taking into consideration some facts.

Categorii:English, Essays

If I were given the use of my eyes for just 3 days I would…

ianuarie 5, 2012 Lasă un comentariu

… look first of all at my mother and father who gave me life and take care of me. I want to imprint upon my mind the cute face of my mum, her beautiful and sweet eyes which are unique in the universe, her silky hair with which I was playing till I was asleep when I was little, her soft as velvet hands which embraced and swung me when I was crying. I would also view thoroughly my home where I spend my life because I want to know what tastes my parents have. After that I should invite to me all my dear friends to have fun together. We would go shopping because I want to see what’s happening in the world of fashion and to find out my clothing style. Then we should go to a disco to dance all the night, make some new friends and see the colorful lights.

The second day I would have a look at the pictures with different countries, animals and other different things. Then I would give a big party at home and would invite all my relatives and friends to have a good time together. In the evening I would look at the horizon to see the amazing colors of the sunset and wait until the night comes to see the heaven studded with stars and the moon that shines through the small stars. I should stay and look at it until the colorful sunrise comes.

After all these sights I should not be able to get back in the darkness, so full would be my mind of memories of those days. I’d be very very sad  but I’d be also thankful to God that gave me the opportunity to have those unforgettable memories.

Categorii:English, Essays

Management nowadays

ianuarie 4, 2012 Lasă un comentariu

Management is a system of conducting people in a company. It is not an easy job at all. It requires much effort. Management is an art, and at the same time it is a science. Only combining the art with the science the manager will be successful.

The art part of management consists of the ability of conducting people. The manager should be flexible, communicative, sociable, able to motivate the people and take quick decisions. These qualities will help the manager to be a good one. In order to be a successful manager he should use the science part here which consists of the ability of applying the ideas using different methods and techniques.

Management consists of four main components: Plan, Organize, Direct and Monitor. These four components are facts not skills which will help the manager to achieve his goal.

Nowadays management is known to have more structures: functional structure, pyramidal structure, line authority and matrix structure. The company and the manager can choose which structure to use so that the company could get more profit.

As a conclusion I can say that managers are many but not all of them are professional managers. A good manager is hard to find nowadays. A successful manager should always be informed and grow in performance. The different techniques used by the managers in different countries have lead to the appearance of the cultural management. This means that every manager should know different cultures and especially the culture of the country where his company is in order to produce the products according to local culture and people’s needs. Thus, I must say that management is not easy at all but it is an interesting job.

Categorii:Economics, English, Essays

Love – a style of life

ianuarie 4, 2012 Un comentariu

Since a very long time ago, people have searched for the meaning of love. But even the great philosophers, with their profound definitions, could not fully touch its true essence. That is because love is different from heart to heart. Love is not just a simple word. It is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Each human being has his/her own thoughts and feelings about love to guide himself/herself to land safely and smoothly into the kingdom of Love. In this essay I am going to talk about what is love for me, which are the two of levels to love and at the end I will draw a conclusion.

Love is the emotion that has had more plays, songs and stories written about than anything else. It is the emotion that makes enemies into friends and friends into enemies. For me, I believe love is a priceless diamond because a diamond has thousands of reflections and each reflection represents a meaning of Love. Love can accept a person’s imperfections without any condition, and be able to transfer the way I love myself to another person who I am fancy at. Love has the power against loneliness, sadness and illnesses and is able to transform them into happiness. Love is not all about looking at a good looking woman/man and hearing fireworks go off all the time. Love is respect, wanting to help the one you love in any aspect of his/her life; protect them from harm’s way; feeling safe with that person; proud of being with them; sharing your hopes and dreams together: feeling like you can conquer the world together and knowing that you will be together no matter what and continue on until the day you pass away.

Love comes in so many different levels, that it doesn’t appear to be the same emotion at all, but it is. One of these is friendship. We do feel Love towards our friends, that is what helps us to get along so well, and why we miss them when we don’t see them for a long time. It is also why we hold certain friends over others no matter what happens. Sometimes the bond between friends deepens to the point where a stronger bond of love is made, making then family.

Another level of Love is that bond between a mother and her children. There is no stronger, nor will there ever be. This bond starts from the very first tiny fluttering of movement and never ends, even after death of the child/mum. A mother protects her children in the name of live, and directs them through life using it as the example to follow. Well, at least it should be. It is because of her children a mother will work at a job she hates, just to make sure they have everything they could ever want or need.

Drawing a conclusion I must say that there is no an absolute meaning to the word Love. The concept of True Love is what we search for all our lives. Yet, Love is one of the most misunderstood concepts of all. What people really want more than anything else is to be loved unconditionally; to be accepted for who they are, and still be loved. Sometimes we will do some crazy things, in the name of Love. Love is actually the choice one makes to put someone’s wishes, desires and needs above their own. We all need love to live just like we need air, water and food. Without love life wouldn’t be worth living. With love in our life we are empowered beyond belief. Without Love in our life we will shrivel up and die a slow, painful and lonely death. Love is the very essence and care of our being.

Categorii:English, Essays

The protection of the environment

ianuarie 1, 2012 Un comentariu

The man has changed the world environment since his appearance, careless of the consequences. Today people are so numerous and so technologically powerful that the protection of the environment has become one of the biggest problems of the contemporary society.

To improve his living conditions, the man would use the resources of his environment paying little attention to negative consequences such as deforestation, water and air pollution. With the rapid development of science and technology and the explosion of the population, the need for new sources of energy has increased, but would not stop wasting the resources of his environment and affecting its harmony.

The protection of the environment is now closely connected to our efforts to survive and to improve the quality of life. A large number of publications are concerned with the protection of the environment: the international conferences show a growing interest in this problem. What will be required is intense collaboration by the best minds to find out the most efficient solutions to protect the resources of our environment and make our world a better place to live in.

Who lives Nature rarely can be poor;

Who lives to Fancy never can be rich;

Love had he found in huts where poor men lie;

His daily teachers had been woods and rills,

The silence that is in the starry sky,

The sleep that is among the lonely hills.

Man is a part of nature, he shares the world: the sun which shines, the rain which falls, the flowers and the grass that grow, the birds that sing, the trees which bear fruit, the blowing winds, the flowing streams, the moon giving soft and gentle light at night, the stars that twinkle in the sky, the golden sunshine, the velvety sky at night, the fluffy white clouds, the shore, the rocks, the sand and the sea, the fish, the stars in space, huge mountains, tall trees, rumbling thunder – admire all these and be happy. Nature feeds us: seeds are planted in the ground, rain makes them grow, the ripens the crops, then the farmers working on the field gathering the harvest, fishermen catching fish, people working in some factories and shops for our food…

Categorii:English, Essays

Management – an art or a science?

decembrie 23, 2011 Lasă un comentariu

There is a big question in the field of management that concerns many people who has deal with it. What is management? Is it an art or a science? Webster’s College Dictionary defines an art as „skill in conducting human activity” and science as „any skill or technique that reflects a precise application of facts or a principle”. Taking a look at these two definitions we make the conclusion that management is both art and science.

It is an art because we have to be creative, flexible, communicative with people, able to make quick decisions. Thus, we use ourselves and our abilities to motivate and inspire and manage people. At the same time management is also a science because in management we need to use different theories and techniques for application. Here comes the rational, logical and analytical thinking that we use to organize the resources and plan our activities for meeting specified objectives. It is a science as it has some principles in managing human resources. This science consists of four components: Plan, Organize, Direct and Monitor. These four things are facts and not skills. We may need the skills to apply them so we make the performance of the human resources more efficient and effective, so here where we combine the art with science in management.

Science of management without the skills cannot be applied. We need the skills where we can convince the human resources to apply our principle and work on the instructions of the management in a proper way where the company will meet its target.

As a conclusion I can say that the successful management requires both art and science as the structure applied very well throughout the process to ensure the ability and capacity of the company has been met with the extreme clarity and defined tasks that will split responsibility in a way that the company with the appropriate management will get the maximum from every factor and component of the company. This will never be achieved without the skill in applying the science of management.

Categorii:Economics, English, Essays

Love can move suns and stars

decembrie 23, 2011 Lasă un comentariu

Love may be called the big goddess and worthy of people’s and god’s admiration. There is truly big that thing whom are submitted all the people and the gods. The mind of people is submitted by Love. Love exists from the most distant age. It ravishes the things towards beauty and the ugly things. Love wakes up the things which sleep, it lights the dark things. It gives life to dead things and gives perfection to those which have some lacks.

The springs of true love are in a size in which thinking does not have access and human mind, however much wonderful would be cannot include and understand it through quality that are typical of it.

Love has no boundaries. In its face all the people are equal. It is the only passion whics is paied with a coin made by itself. This feeling which is at the life’s basis can win the time and can defeats the death. Love makes you to live dieing and to die living. It rises you in heaven but also it throws you in chasms. Love gives power and at the same time brings pain. It is like the war: begins easy but ceases very hard. It is neither art, nor science; it is a instinct of the soul. It is silent and speaks only through deeds. Love is the most tender feature of humanity.

Love is the decision to make your problems my problems.

Love is all we love, is the only way to help one another.

                                                         The course of the true love have never been evenly.

Love is the history of women’s life and only an episode in men’s life.

The lovers’ quarrels are a renew of their love.

Categorii:English, Essays