
Archive for octombrie 2007

Watch what you say – stay away from hurt words

octombrie 5, 2007 12 comentarii

Word was that who set us free from the handcuffs of animals life. It is a way of expressing our thoughts, joys, wishes, our feelings to the whole world through the words you may see the human’s soul and to know him better.

For human being the words are a more dangerous gun than a knife because sometimes they can make you happy, but sometimes they can hurt u very deep, especially when they were said out of anger. If they were said, there is no way to get them back. As you cannot stop the thrown stone so you cannot stop the spoken word. It is not good at all to say hurt words because the wound done of them will not be healed like a knife wound. There are moments when even a word not said at his place can make your life awful. But a good word said kindly has the power to open iron doors, to melt a stone heart and sometimes can be a way of healing a sick soul.

That’s why you must always watch what you say and stay away from hurt words. Before saying something, first of all think about the consequences and don’t let your mouth to say something you didn’t want to.

Categorii:English, Essays

„It is not possible for civilization to flaw backward while there is youth in the world” (Keller)

octombrie 5, 2007 Lasă un comentariu

The youth is the bedrock of society as the family is too and this can be proved by the fact that the youth mirrors the ramifications of the society within which it leaves; it shares class and group loyalties; it engages in struggles for the realization and defense of concrete social ideals and interests. Their vigor enables them to be the most active transmitters of ideas and skills. The stage of youth is one of assimilating knowledge of all kinds. Avidly searching for a rational understanding of the surrounding world the youth therefore displays curiosity, rebelliousness, impassioned and uncontrolled enthusiasm; it quickly forms judgments as it abandons others. Such a stage is crucial in the molding of stable social being. To mold and socialize the youth, that is the creation of their personality and introducing it into social practice is a two-way process – on the one hand young people gradually apply in a creative way and further the experience they have acquired. Thus the youth are the object of social influence and the subject of historical process. They assimilate the experience of previous generations, not as passive receivers; they creatively modify it, enrich accordance with the requirements of their time, and the specific features of a given social moment.

Keller said it good that it is not possible for civilization to flow backward while there is youth in the world because due to them we live in a modern technology world. And this happens because they have new creative ideas, different points of view.

Categorii:English, Essays

Limba Română este cartea noastră de vizită

octombrie 5, 2007 21 comentarii

Limba română este cartea de nobleţe a neamului nostru; semnul caracteristic prin care membrii familiilor noastre în marea diversitate a poparelor din lume; lanţul tainic, ce ne leagă împreună şi ne face să ne numim fraţi.

Fiecare cuvânt evocă un convoi întreg de simţiri şi reprezentări, cu toate nuanţele, vibraţiile, în care răsună bucuriile şi durerile vieţii sufleteşti comune a atâtor generaţii trecute, în fiecare cuvânt se rezumă toată istoria neamului nostru aşa cum ea a fost simţită şi trăită împreună.

Limba reprezintă floarea cea mai de preţ, o floare a întregii noastre vieţi spirituale. Prin limbă se înţelege expresia cea mai directă a caracterelor naţionale. Ea traduce prima impresie pe care şi-o face cineva.

Limba română este caracterizată de dragostea frăţească. În vălmăşagul războaielor, în picioarele barbarilor, aruncată prin poziţia geografică între naţii străine începutului şi firii ei, româna nu-şi uită mama şi surorile. Este limba pe care trebuie să o cunoaştem bine şi s-o vorbim corect apărând-o de împrumuturile inutile de cuvinte, cu expresii forţate.

